I am proud to share my lab’s latest publication in the Resources, Environment and Sustainability by Prof. Dr. Shoki Kosai as the first author, co-authored with Mr. Daiki Kurogi, Mr. Keita Kozaki, and me. This is an open-accessed article entitled "Distributed recycling system with microwave-based heating for obsolete alkaline batteries".
マイクロ波を用いてアルカリ乾電池を従来の集中型でなく,分散型でリサイクルする方法の提案とその効果を論じた論文"Distributed recycling system with microwave-based heating for obsolete alkaline batteries"がResources, Environment and Sustainability誌に掲載されました.この論文は2021年度修了生の黒木君,現M1の小崎君が基礎データを揃え,光斎先生が執筆したものです.おめでとう!!!
